Monday, October 1, 2012

The Game

I heard it somewhere in a song...

Word games are just about my favorite thing ever...and I love music with an intensity that might not be considered healthy.  There's a soundtrack to my life running in my head at all times...and I remember lyrics to songs I learned before I could even talk. 
Music is the color to my world...and words are something I enjoy playing with, even when I'm not stringing them into sentences. 
A few years ago, I found a blog called "Lyric Game" ...a new word was announced in each post and people commented with the lyrics to a song in which that word was used.  It was based on a board game I had never played before...but I fell in love with it right away and played faithfully until one day it was just gone. 
Years later, I've gotten over the hole it left in my life...but I haven't forgotten how much fun it was to play the I decided to revive it here on my very own website ~ with a few important changes:

  •  the words chosen will follow a theme...related in some way to my books or short stories
  •  participation will be rewarded...the person with the most entries in one week will be named   "Lyrical Genius of the Week"...their names will be put onto a spiffy little button and prominently displayed here on the site all week long  =)

  •  there aren't any official rules...just play fair & be nice
  •  post as much of the lyrics as you want...or as much as you remember ;o)
  •  well-known quotes and poetry are fair game...just try not to go too obscure  
  •  the name of the game is "Lyricality"! 


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